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Humana Medicare Advantage today
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All-in-one solutions
Monthly plan premiums as low as $0 in many areas
More coverage than Original Medicare
Predictable medical costs
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Explore what doctors are in our Medicare networks:
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You care about what doctors and hospitals you have access to. And that matters to us. Here's a few ways Humana Supports what matters to you.
Large network of doctors and hospitals with a Humana HMO
$0 Copay for telehealth visits for primary care, mental healthcare, and urgent care on many plans
Freedom to choose doctors and hospitals all over the country with a Humana PPO plan
Emergency care coverage when traveling overseas on many plans
No out of pocket costs for COVID testing
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To find out more about our network and plans available in your area, call a licensed Humana Sales Agent at:
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Discover how an All-in-one Humana Medicare Advantage plan could save you money!
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Looking for assistance?
Our team of licensed Humana sales agents can help with the following questions.
Is my doctor
How much will my prescriptions cost?
Do I qualify for potential savings?
Call us from the comfort of your home. Enrolling over the phone is easy!
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