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Dental Insurance
Dental Insurance offers 100% preventive coverage. Insurance also covers additional benefits (i.e. Extractions, fillings, etc) depending on the specific plan.
This is insurance coverage – it allows the member to upgrade to a more robust plan in the future if more benefits are desired.
Plans may have deductibles and limits – varies by plan. Premiums vary by plan. Some plans have in-network and out-of-network benefits, providing flexibility to members.
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Dental Discount
For individuals who want some savings in dental care, but don’t want to invest in dental insurance.
Helps individual have limited savings when they need dental services.
Low premiums, but discounts only available with in-network providers.
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Humana sales agent
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Tips for choosing a plan:
Estimate your future dental needs
Consider whether you or a family member will need major dental work or oral surgery. Or maybe you just want basic, preventive care like regular checkups and cleanings.
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Find a plan your dentist accepts
If you have a particular dentist you’d like to continue seeing, check to see that they accept the plan you are considering.
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Consider your budget and how much you are comfortable paying
Humana offers a variety of Dental plan types, which have different premium costs and coverages to help meet your needs.
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A Humana agent can help you:
Assess your
current coverage
Review dental
plan options
Get the coverage
you need
Call a licensed Humana sales agent
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